The Transition Roadmap encompasses a step by step guide to setting yourself up for the best opportunity upon the conclusion of military service.

Transition Roadmap

  • Phase 1: LinkedIn

    LinkedIn is a powerful job market tool. A professional and complete profile can help recruiters and hiring managers quickly see your experience and skills. We will guide you on how to convey your military experience in a clear and understandable manner while retaining its significance to all readers.

  • Phase 2: Resume Writing

    LinkedIn is a powerful job market tool. A professional and complete profile can help recruiters and hiring managers quickly see your experience and skills. We will guide you on how to convey your military experience in a clear and understandable manner while retaining its significance to all readers.

  • Phase 3: Skillbridge

    Industry-relevant certifications benefit job seekers by distinguishing them in a competitive market and equating military experience with industry skills. Certifications demonstrate expertise and training to potential employers, providing third-party validation. This phase provides resources to prepare for exams and offset the cost of certifications as well as provides Skillbridge guidance.

  • Phase 4: Network & Start Industry Searching

    The phrase "It's not what you know, but who you know" holds significant power in job searching. Building valuable relationships through networking can lead to opportunities. This phase teaches you to efficiently construct and leverage your network, using LinkedIn and a well-crafted resume to make a strong first impression. You'll gain valuable information and, hopefully, secure an opportunity.

  • Phase 5: Interview Prep

    Interviewing is a crucial skill that requires practice to excel. It's where hiring managers assess your fit for the job. Our program empowers you with proven techniques to master the interview and impress hiring managers.

  • Phase 6: Negotiate Your Salary

    Far too often we observe employers exploiting transitioning servicemembers’ lack of understanding regarding their true worth—resulting in acceptance of the lowball offers. Our program addresses this issue by equipping servicemembers with negotiation skills, enabling them to secure the best possible offer, including salary and comprehensive compensation packages, from potential employers.